Standardised Price List
All funeral directors are legally required to publish this price list for a standardised set of products and services. This is to help you think through your options and make choices, and to let you compare prices between different funeral directors (because prices can vary).
Children's Funeral
(17 and younger)
Free of charge*
The following service are provided free of charge for children up to and including 17 years of age. - Funeral Directors professional services - Repatriation to rest at Cimla Funeral Home (within 25 miles) - Confidential and sympathetic advice and guidance on social, legal, religious aspects of organising a funeral - Guidance on registration of death, liaison with all third parties – clergy, doctors, hospital, crematorium etc - Online Announcement and Online Evening Post Announcement - Care and viewing at Cimla Funeral Home - Traditional child’s casket - Provision of a hearse from family home to local crematorium / cemetery for a service - Provision of a limousine to local crematorium / cemetery for a service - Provision of necessary staff for the funeral service *All other necessary disbursements or bespoke orders are additional to the above. Although local authorities do not charge for their services at Crematoriums or Cemeteries this is subject to change.
Attended Funeral
(Funeral director’s fees only)
This is a funeral where family and friends have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person at the same time as they attend their burial or cremation. Taking care of all necessary legal and administrative arrangements of the funeral to include certification, registration, related documentation, liaison with all third parties and provision of charitable donations. Repatriation of the deceased person from the place of death (normally within 15 miles of the funeral director’s premises) into the funeral director’s care. Care of the deceased person before the funeral in appropriate facilities. The deceased person will be kept at the funeral director’s premises at either Cimla or Resolven Funeral Home. At a date and time you agree with the funeral director, taking the deceased person direct to the agreed cemetery or crematorium (normally within 20 miles of the funeral director’s premises) in a hearse or other appropriate vehicle. Where viewing is requested by the family) - Viewing of the deceased person for family and friends, by appointment with the funeral director. Evening Post Online Funeral Announcement / Social Media Announcement. Provision of necessary staff and bearers for the funeral service and / or interment of ashes. Collection, storage and delivery of ashes to family members in appropriate container. Arrangement for interment of ashes / scattering of ashes to take place.
Unattended Funeral
Burial (Funeral director’s fee only)
Cremation (Funeral director’s fee plus the cremation / doctors fee)
This is a funeral where family and friends may choose to have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person, but they do not attend the burial or cremation itself.
Fees You Must Pay
For an Attended or Unattended burial funeral, the burial fee:
In this local area, the typical cost of the burial fee for local residents is:
For an Attended cremation funeral, the cremation fee.
Margam Crematorium Fee
From £635.00
Swansea Crematorium Fee
From £850.00
Swansea Crematorium Fee
From £1,030.00
For a new grave, you will also need to pay for the plot; for an existing grave with a memorial in place, you may need to pay a removal/replacement fee. In addition, the cemetery may charge a number of other fees. Please discuss any specific religious, belief-based and/or cultural requirements that you have with the funeral director.
Additional Funeral Director Products & Services
Additional mileage (price per mile):
No Fee
Additional transfers of the deceased person’s body (e.g. to their home, to a place of worship etc.) (price per transfer)
Additional Limousine Hire (Within 15 miles of Funeral Home)
Providing a choice of Chesterfield Oak Veneered Coffin or Chesterfield Oak Veneered Panelled Coffin, with interior and exterior fittings and engraved nameplate
Out of hours repatriation of deceased nameplate
From £195.00
Funeral officiant fees (e.g. Minister, Pastor, celebrant, minister etc.)
From £94.00
Hymn Sheets / Order of Service Sheets
From £50.00
Evening Post Announcement
From £210.00
Webcast, Visual Tributes, Service recordings
Prices available on request
Alternative modes of transportation for funeral (e.g. Horse & Carriage, Motorcycle, Campervan)
Prices available on request
Alternative style coffins (e.g Wicker, Seagrass, Cardboard, American Style)
Prices available on request
This funeral director may be able to supply a range of optional, additional products and services, or to arrange (on your behalf) for a third party to supply them. The funeral director can give you a full list of what they can supply.